Lizzy Murphy
Author Archives
Reputation Management With LocalSearch
Learn how to use your SocialCRM reputation dashboard to help you stay on top of your online reviews.
How to Reach and Wow Your Customers with Targeted Promotions
Like many of you, I receive a lot of emails from many different types of businesses, but over the past few years, I have noticed an ugly trend— blanketed emails every week!
Watch Out Auto Shops: It’s the Facebook Apocalypse
Have you seen a difference in engagement from your Facebook followers? If you haven’t yet, get ready. Facebook did a recent algorithm update.
2018 Social Media Video Marketing Trends for Your Auto Shop
Hop on some of these great trends in 2018 to stay competitive, keep your audience engaged and attract new business.
Gain Auto Shop Marketing Insights with Call Tracking
With the new SocialCRM service, LocalSearch, we have created a solution for our customers that will allow us to really drill down and look at the type of information needed to make important business decisions. One of the solutions is call tracking.
3 Ways to Lose Your Auto Repair Shop Customer
Happy and satisfied customers ensure return visits, which means more business and a better bottom line. Here at Mitchell 1 in the SocialCRM team, we like to offer tips and tricks that will help hit that goal.
How to Engage Customers with Social Media Posts
The challenge of what to post on social media can be a little intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! Your weekly post provided as part of the SocialCRM shop marketing service is a great start, but you can do more.
Optimizing Your Facebook Page With Insights – The People Report
Do you know who is following your Facebook business page? This can play a big part in the success of your auto repair marketing efforts.