Tag Archives: socialcrm
Mitchell 1’s “Super-Secret” Texting Feature
Text messaging has become one of the most prevalent forms of communication today. Successful businesses and shops are actively using social media to communicate with their customers every day. Mitchell 1’s SocialCRM auto repair marketing service offers text messaging to help you enhance your marketing efforts and engage with your customers, while Manager SE shop management system also offers MessageCenter, enabling you to reach your customers right away with text messages sent directly from inside your Manager SE shop system. Learn about the “Real Magic” that happens when these two systems are integrated in this blog.
Inside Tips on Text Messaging (and more) from Emily Johnson
Emily Johnson, a support agent on the SocialCRM team, shares insights about building customer relationships, using text messaging to increase engagement and more!
Our Shop Management Workshop is Heading to Scottsdale
We’re excited to announce that the second Shop Management Workshop for 2019 will be held in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona on September 19-21 at the lovely Scottsdale Plaza Resort. This 2-day training event will help Manager SE users master the system to get the most out of their software and take their business to the next level.