• Quick & Accurate Price Quotes with TruckSeries Estimator

    How long will my truck be out of service?  How much will it cost? Business owners and customers alike want quick, accurate answers to these commonly asked questions, especially in today’s economic market. Mitchell 1 TruckSeries is here to help! With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can create accurate repair and cost estimates that address these questions for your customers. Learn how in this short blog.

  • A Balancing Act with Tires

    Having the proper balance in life is important and the same can be said about your truck’s tires. A balanced tire prevents premature repairs and replacements. Learn from our own Jake Schell on just how important “keeping balance” truly is.

  • A Hospitable Approach to Truck Maintenance

    As summer draws towards a close, many of us are anticipating those final, enjoyable outside gatherings before the weather changes. What pray tell does this have to do truck maintenance? Quite a lot actually. As vehicles become increasingly complex, so does maintenance. Read about how important is to stay on top of maintenance and prevent those prolonged down times during the seasons here in this blog.

  • A Common Sense Approach to Prevent Tool Loss

    No technician wants to lose any tools. Not only are tools expensive, the tech depends on them to get the job done. Nevertheless, when working on vehicles, somehow tools get lost from time-to-time. Here are some time tested tips from our own Jake Schell on how to prevent tool loss in this blog

  • Keeping Cool During the Summer

    We are heading into the true heat of summer and for many that means taking trips to the beach or pool to cool off. But can the same be said about your vehicle? What about its A/C system? Taking steps to prevent downtime during the crucial summer months is imperative. Learn some great tips and how TruckSeries can help you “keep your cool” here in this blog.

  • How to set up VMRS codes in TruckSeries

    Being able to use these industry standard codes in your quotes to match service operations to parts is a game changer in TruckSeries. Unfortunately, because it requires to be activated in your shop settings, some may not even know it is a feature. Learn how to set up this feature in TruckSeries in this blog.

  • Forgot Your Password? No Problem!

    Do you have about a million passwords floating around in your head? If you’ve forgotten your password — or need to reset your password — to access ProDemand or TruckSeries repair information software, it’s quick and easy! Just follow these steps…

  • Are You Suffering from Fault Code Overload?

    The power of 1SearchPlus, combined with interactive wiring diagrams and full-color high resolution digital pictures, will simplify diagnosis and repair of fault code related failures. This is one of the many features within Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries maintenance software that will help increase your shop’s productivity, improve customer satisfaction and grow your business.

  • Best of the Blogs – 2021 Truck Repair Information “Did You Knows”

    Our truck repair experts at Mitchell 1 — were very busy last year. In addition to working hard on improving the medium- to heavy-duty truck repair software and getting repair information documented in a timely manner, they also shared their knowledge here in the ShopConnection blog.. Here we collected a few of the pearls of wisdom that our experts have written this past year— all of which we hope you find help you get to your fix faster!

  • Do You Hear What I Hear?

    Words have meaning — often multiple meanings and whatever word is used to describe a sound may or may not convey the sound to the interpreter of the word — most often the technician. Mercifully, the context in which the word is used usually helps us to better understand what that particular word means. Learn how Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries can help you “translate” those sounds to make sense.