What’s new in TruckSeries? VMRS!
Mitchell 1 has added Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) to its TruckSeries suite of truck repair software solutions for Class 4-8 trucks.
Mitchell 1 has added Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) to its TruckSeries suite of truck repair software solutions for Class 4-8 trucks.
The new ADAS QuickLink navigates you to a list of components in the ADAS system, presenting a consolidated view of the component/system names, jobs that may require calibration, special tools needed, or if a scan tool is required.
When it comes to diagnosing and repairing electrical systems these days it can be tricky. At first glance everything appears to look good, so then why doesn’t it work? That’s where Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries truck repair information comes in, as it gives you the advantage you need to quickly diagnose any issue and complete the repair without replacing unnecessary components.
Diagnostic procedures usually help us to dot our i’s and cross our t’s when we take the time to follow them. Having a diagnostic path to follow is a great help, even though it may appear a bit laborious at times. Here are 5 steps from our own Jake Schell to help you get a more accurate diagnosis.
When it comes to protecting and restoring the environment, it should come as no surprise that the commercial trucking industry would adopt positions that mirror those of the public sector. As a result, in recent years, several large commercial truck manufacturers have been studying the possibilities and logistics of using fully-electric commercial trucks, typically known as EV’s (Electric Vehicles). Read more about it here.
Most of us have been on the customer side reading those fateful words for something where we know a problem exists. The frustration increases to monumental proportions when the problem is a blaring fault code indicator light on the instrument panel, yet still no concrete problem can be located. For technicians, the experience is nothing to celebrate either. Let’s face it, we all have better things to do besides taking the truck into the shop or spending time trying to re-create a problem. Let’s take a look at four basic steps that can help to more accurately and efficiently diagnose and resolve fault code issues.
When all systems are operating properly, today’s newer diesel engines do not produce smoke like older diesel engines used to. The days of “rolling coal” are over, and this is a great thing for our health and the environment, too. Learn about modern day smoke tests from our knowledgeable truck pros in this latest edition of our TruckSeries blog.
Ever try to find the light switch in the middle of the night in an unfamiliar room? Well, walking around in the dark half asleep is much like trying to diagnose a diagnostic trouble code or a drivability issue without a scan tool on today’s trucks. But maintaining that scan tool is just as important as using it. Learn from our own Jake Schell, on how important these scan tools truly can be.
Time is money when you are working flat rate but maybe some of these accidents could have been prevented by taking the little extra time it takes to research the jack and lifting information. Take advantage of all the information provided in Truck Series to lift that truck safely and prevent a possible accident.
While road hazards may not be avoidable and are well beyond the control of the technician in the shop, tire maintenance is a step technicians may take to keep tires in good order. Learn how Mitchell1 TruckSeries can help you out here.