Tag Archives: medium-duty truck
Sharing Scan Tools – How Many Do You Need?
Does your shop have enough scan tools? The odds are that your techs will need access to the scan tool to not only check for potential codes but also to continue the diagnosis and any potential reset procedures.
Truck Techs: Work More Efficiently with the New 1Search Plus Feature
Meet 1Search™ Plus, the latest enhancement to the TruckSeries truck repair software that will help you work even faster and more accurately in your shop.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid FAQs
During cold months, it’s not uncommon for a truck’s diesel exhaust fluid to freeze. These FAQs cover the most common questions that truck owners have when it comes to frozen DEF.
Save Time Tracking Down Specialized Tools
To save technicians even more time in the servicing process, at the top of engine information for most heavy trucks, we have included a heading called “Special Tools.”
Tips for Winterizing Your Truck
With the cold winter season fast approaching, it’s time again to make sure your truck repairs and maintenance plans are getting your customers ready for the harsh winter weather. Check out these seven major truck components you do not want to miss.
The New Generation of Smart Integrated Powertrains
Professional truck technicians welcome the new generation of smart integrated powertrains. Here’s an overview of some of new technologies that are improving performance and reliability.
Meet the Mitchell 1 Team: Dan Kincaid (Part 2)
At Mitchell 1, we like to take the time to recognize our team. We acknowledge the fact that we have many experts here who have at one point or another been on the front lines of the commercial truck and automotive repair industry.