Your Brand : No NASCAR Sponsorship Necessary

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The good news is that marketing your shop’s brand does not take a NASCAR sponsorship or a Manhattan ad agency budget.

Today’s brands are created on the Internet using Social Media, and with just a little effort you can be the auto repair hero of your local community.

I ran across a blog post on this topic and wanted to share it here, as it offers some great advice for auto repair shops of all sizes. Bob Cooper is the author, and also the founder of Elite, a consulting firm for auto repair businesses. As he says, “The way your shop is going to be perceived in your community is based on what is being said about you, your company and your employees on social media websites.”

It’s definitely worth your time to read the full blog post here, in Elite’s Auto Shop Idea Center: The New Rule of Marketing – Auto Repair Marketing in the Age of Social Media


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About the Author

Brian Warfield

Brian Warfield is a Senior Product Manager for the Mitchell 1 SocialCRM product line. He has been in the automotive software business for over 20 years and has earned a degree in Marketing from the University of Cincinnati Business College.