Manager SE Tip: Find Your Customer by First Name
Manager SE Tip: Find Your Customer by First Name
On occasion, customers will tell tech support that if they could find a customer by first name, it would sure make it much easier to give them a personal greeting. Here’s a tip on how to search by first name.
As we know, the best practice for starting a new order in Manager SE is to use the F6 key. The F6 screen makes finding a customer by their last name a snap. However, there is no field for first name, so it appears that finding someone by their first name only is impossible.
Not so – it is possible! All you need to do is type a comma (,) and the beginning of a first name. For example: hit F6, enter ‘,ste’ in the last name field, and the system will find all the customers with the name of Steve, Stephen, Steven and more. This is how your shop management system can help you get on a first-name basis with your customers.
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