• SureTrack Real Fix: Make the Switch

    Mitchell 1 SureTrack Real Fix LogoHere’s another fix for an intermittent no start. In this case it was easy to reproduce but hard to track down. SureTrack community member schoolhouse2021 had a Honda Accord in their shop that intermittently wouldn’t start accompanied by strange noises under the dash. They posed the question to the community, and with the help of fellow community member Ericsautomotive and others, they were able to resolve the issue quickly.

  • SureTrack Real Fix: That’s a Stretch

    Mitchell 1 SureTrack Real Fix LogoSometimes you may not have the special tools to repair a customer’s vehicle but one of the most useful special tools you do have available is the SureTrack Community. SureTrack community member Jeffytune had an Audi A4 Allroad in their shop that had a starting issue and also a code related to the timing system. They posed the question to the community, and with the help of fellow community member Kg1 and others, they were able to resolve the issue quickly.

  • SureTrack Community Fix: Hard Start Mazda

    Mitchell 1 SureTrack Real Fix LogoA hard starting condition is annoying but might not bring a customer into the shop right away. They shouldn’t put it off since it could have a simple solution with the proper diagnostics. Follow this Real Fix to see how a hard starting Mazda 6i was diagnosed and what component was causing the issue.