ProDemand Update – 7/2/2012

ProDemand Update – 7/2/2012

Now Available: ProDemand Blog

At Mitchell 1, we think it is important to keep you up to date with the latest product and industry news. We’re introducing our ProDemand Blog, available on the bottom of the screen

The blog will be our way to keep you informed of enhancements for ProDemand as well as any services available to you such as online training. We’re also going to be linking to additional industry content to keep you informed and ahead of the trends.

Click here for the ProDemand update archive.

About the Author

Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor is the SureTrack Community Administrator and a Senior Applications Specialist at Mitchell 1 with over 25 years of experience with electronic repair data systems. Nick previously worked in the automotive dismantling and engine rebuilding industries.