Engine VIN Digit vs. Engine Code

Mitchell 1 recently introduced an additional VIN digit during the engine identification process in the vehicle selection. This engine VIN digit allows for users to more easily identify the correct engine, especially when there are no other visual clues. We’ve received some questions about how the engine VIN digit relates to the engine code, so let’s check it out one of them!

Engine VIN Digit Selection

Q:   I select a 2012 Dodge Challenger with 5.7L VIN T engine. If I’ve selected this engine with the VIN character, why am I still getting a choice under options for engine code EZC or EZH?

A: The VIN digit and the engine code are two separate things. OEMs use the VIN engine digit to specify the type of engine, and they use the engine code to signify a change to that engine. The change could be a slight engineering design alteration by the OEM or a different supplied part during the vehicle’s assembly process. So for instance, if an OEM changes the supplier of an alternator assembly halfway through the production run, the OEM could issue a new engine code to the vehicles that are specific to the new alternator.

Engine Code Selection



About the Author

Gary Hixson

Gary Hixson is a Sr. Market Manager at Mitchell 1, and is responsible for product and market management of the Repair Information product line. Most recently he managed the release of ProDemand™, the industry-leading repair, diagnostic and maintenance information system.