Canadian Parts Pricing in ProDemand
Canadian Parts Pricing in ProDemand
No, this is not a currency conversion!
Many of the OEMs supply us with parts prices for both U.S. and Canada. Canadian parts prices in ProDemand™ are generally not based on currency conversion but are prices specifically set for the Canadian market. Now you have the option to display Canadian prices when building your Quotes in ProDemand. Here’s how you set that up:
1. Log into ProDemand.
2. Click on “Tools” in the upper right corner next to the Logout button.
3. Click on “Shop Settings.”
4. Select Canadian Dollars from drop down menu under Parts Prices.
Also, you can now mark up or mark down the MSRP prices that are in the ProDemand product. Under Parts Prices, in the Adjustment field, choose the percentage you would like to mark up above MSRP. If you would like to mark down MSRP, simply add a minus (-) sign before the percentage.
If you have questions about Canadian parts pricing – or any feature of ProDemand – you’re invited to join me every weekday for a live ProDemand training webinar. Visit the ProDemand Product Training Center for details: