A Look Back at 2016 TMC SuperTech
The Technology & Maintenance Council of the American Trucking Association has recently published its wrap up of the 2016 TMC Fall Meeting and National Technician Championships in the fall issue of its Fleet Maintenance & Technology magazine. The event is most commonly known as TMC SuperTech, and Mitchell 1 is proud to sponsor the event and to host and administer the Service Information station every year.
So it’s a good time to extend hearty congratulations to Eric Vos of FedEx who won the Grand Champion for the second year in a row. This is the 10th year Eric has competed in the event. As champion, he won an impressive package of prizes including a year subscription to TruckSeries truck repair information software from Mitchell 1.
Congratulations also to Michael Gavrielides, a master technician with Travel Centers of America, who placed first for the Service Information competition and placed 5th overall in the competition. Michael lives with his wife Stephanie and son Michael in Athens, GA (their daughter, Penelope is deceased, but they asked to have her included in our mention of their family). Michael is a graduate of Georgia University and has competed four times in the SuperTech competition.
- A full list of TMC SuperTech 2016 winners may be found on the TMC website.
- Watch highlights from the TMC SuperTech 2016 Award Ceremony.
- Read more about the TMC SuperTech 2016 Winner and the FedEx sweep in Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine.
Here are a couple pictures taken at the TMC SuperTech 2016 competition by Mitchell 1 commercial vehicle group members Eric Bridenbaker and Chris Manescu:
Michael Gavrielides, right, winner of the Service Information competition
Service Information station sponsored and administered by Mitchell 1
Eric Vos, Grand Champion, with his SuperTech toolbox from Snap-on