Overview of Mitchell 1 System Wiring Diagrams
Mitchell 1 first brought full-color, system-level wiring diagrams to the automotive aftermarket almost 20 years ago. Our Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) diagrams were the first to be full-color, an innovation that is completely obvious in hindsight, making for easier identification and diagnostics. Also, because the SVG diagrams were built digitally like an engineering file, the diagrams could be refreshed to retain clarity no matter how far you zoomed in. Finally, because the diagrams were built according to our specifications, there was a consistent naming convention and layout to all vehicles. If technicians were working on a Ford or switching to a Volkswagen, it didn’t matter, the Mitchell 1 SVG wiring diagrams are designed in an easy-to-understand manner.
Fast-forward to today, Mitchell 1 ProDemand auto repair software just added numerous features to the SVG diagrams to give technicians an edge for more efficient diagnostics. A trend that we’ve seen has OEMs including more and more multi-page diagrams. Especially engine performance diagrams which can be up to 16 pages. Using 1Search Plus, ProDemand navigates technicians to the correct page with the specific component you have searched for, saving you from hunting though multiple pages to find your component. Plus, the component is highlighted automatically when the diagram is opened. The highlighting extends across all pages, as well as keeping your zoom level and position. As the wire is followed to its termination point, technicians won’t have to keep readjusting your screen settings. Also, wires can still be hidden, but the wires now appear faded instead of disappearing entirely. That allows technicians to keep an eye on the full picture but also focus in on what is important at the same time.