• Discount (Price Levels)

    Overview of Discount tab where parts price levels are established and then assigned to customers and vehicles.

  • Labor Rates

    Overview of Standard Tables – Labor Rate table that stores up to 10 labor rates to apply to customers and vehicles.

  • Late Fees

    Configuring Late Fees functionality; setting fee type, amounts, reminders, exceptions, reporting, exemptions and disclaimers advice.

  • Validations

    Validations provide user warnings of missing, incomplete or conflicting information and the opportunity to easliy correct it from the same screen.

  • ScreenView Options

    Screen View options include pop up Symptoms list, automatically marking ROs as Approved / Printed to save time and a host of other preferences.

  • HazMat

    Setup of HazMat fees to be automatically applied.

  • Shop Supplies

    Setup of Shop Supplies to be automatically calculated on parts sales, labor sales or both.

  • Default Settings

    Default settings tab includes popular daily used options that can be automatically filled in to save time.

  • Shop Data 1/2

    Entering shop name, address, phone, email and website information that will appear on most printed outputs.

  • SE Workflow 3 of 3

    Detailed look at daily workflow: quickly locate customer& vehicle for initial Estimate, using Symptoms, Recommendations, Revisions for Repair Order, then Invoice, Pay & Post to History