Toggle Demo Mode
Overview of Special Maintenance menu option of switching to a demo database for training or to experiement outside the live database used for business.
Overview of Special Maintenance menu option of switching to a demo database for training or to experiement outside the live database used for business.
Special Maintenance – Set Starting Invoice # (typically a one-time event on Day 1)
Discussion of how the Manage Locked Records function in Special Maintenance works relative to other users with the open record.
How to set up the line item colors for WIP and Order/Revisions screens. These are shared by all User profiles.
Special Maintenance – Configure the program to use X-Charge electroninc payment processing for credit cards / debit cards.
Overview of accessing the Special Maintenance menu from the home “splash” screen.
Overview of the month end close (automatic) and Fiscal Year End Close function.
Overview of the selection process and running of the EOD process; End of Day versus End Of Shift comparison.
Overview of settings for document types, printer devices, print preview and control of header / footer & shop logo option.
Overview of Technician Setup area which stores background information, wages and commissions settings.