• Toggle Demo Mode

    Overview of Special Maintenance menu option of switching to a demo database for training or to experiement outside the live database used for business.

  • Set Starting Invoice

    Special Maintenance – Set Starting Invoice # (typically a one-time event on Day 1)

  • Manage Locked Records

    Discussion of how the Manage Locked Records function in Special Maintenance works relative to other users with the open record.

  • Grid Line Colors

    How to set up the line item colors for WIP and Order/Revisions screens. These are shared by all User profiles.

  • Electronic Payment Processing

    Special Maintenance – Configure the program to use X-Charge electroninc payment processing for credit cards / debit cards.

  • Special Maintenance

    Overview of accessing the Special Maintenance menu from the home “splash” screen.

  • Year End Close

    Overview of the month end close (automatic) and Fiscal Year End Close function.

  • End Of Day Reports

    Overview of the selection process and running of the EOD process; End of Day versus End Of Shift comparison.

  • Reports/Printers

    Overview of settings for document types, printer devices, print preview and control of header / footer & shop logo option.

  • Technician Setup

    Overview of Technician Setup area which stores background information, wages and commissions settings.