• New Mitchell 1 SocialCRM Video Highlights Benefits of Customer Engagement Tools

    New Mitchell 1 SocialCRM Video Highlights Benefits of Customer Engagement Tools Auto Repair Shops Tell their Success Stories Using SocialCRM and Manager SE Mitchell 1 has released a new product video featuring two automotive repair shops that are using the Mitchell 1 SocialCRM auto repair shop marketing service to streamline their marketing efforts and grow […]

  • Mitchell 1 Celebrates 10 Years of SocialCRM

    Mitchell 1 Celebrates 10 Years of SocialCRM Service Helps Auto Repair Shops Connect with Customers Ten years after the idea of the SocialCRM shop marketing service came to light during a series of customer focus groups with aftermarket shop owners, Mitchell 1 is celebrating the anniversary of this comprehensive marketing service that has evolved to […]

  • Mitchell 1 SocialCRM Shop Marketing Service Adds “Lost Customer” Email Feature

    Mitchell 1 SocialCRM Shop Marketing Service Adds “Lost Customer” Email Feature Mitchell 1 has enhanced its SocialCRM shop marketing service by adding a new feature that gives automotive repair shops the ability to recover “lost customers” by automatically sending promotion emails to any consumers that have been away from their shop for more than 12 months. […]

  • Mitchell 1 Integrates SocialCRM Marketing Services with Manager SE

    Mitchell 1 Integrates SocialCRM Marketing Services with Manager SE   Shops Have Immediate Access to Customer Details and Satisfaction Results Mitchell 1 has integrated the SocialCRM dashboard and customer marketing details into the Manager™ SE shop management solution. With this new feature, shop owners and service professionals will now see vital customer and vehicle information […]

  • Low Score Diagnostics Feature Added to Mitchell 1’s SocialCRM Consumer Reviews

    Low Score Diagnostics Feature Added to  Mitchell 1’s SocialCRM Consumer Reviews Shop owners can proactively resolve satisfaction issues and protect business reputation Mitchell 1 has added a low score diagnostics feature to its consumer reviews offered in the SocialCRM customer retention and new customer acquisition service. This feature provides automotive repair shops with additional feedback when […]