Mitchell 1 SocialCRM Marketing Service Offers Online Appointment Request Feature
The Mitchell 1 SocialCRM auto shop marketing service is offering a new online appointment feature that will make it more convenient for consumers and auto repair shops to schedule appointments for auto repair and maintenance services.
The feature is integrated with the Manager™ SE shop management system and allows consumers to request an appointment directly on the shop’s website or from an email sent from the shop. The request is automatically delivered to the shop’s Manager SE system with an alert that a request has arrived. The shop can then review the request and accept or decline based upon availability. When accepted, the confirmed request is added to the shop’s schedule and the system automatically sends a text or email to the consumer to verify the appointment. The new feature is now included with all SocialCRM subscriptions.
“We are delighted to offer this service that not only makes it very convenient for consumers to book appointments, but also helps shops manage their schedules more efficiently, while helping ensure their bays stay full,” said Marcus Mackell, marketing manager for Mitchell 1, SocialCRM. “The online appointments feature is the next step in tightening the integration between the SocialCRM and Manager SE systems to increase efficiency and opportunities to engage customers.”
Mitchell 1’s SocialCRM auto repair marketing service with LocalSearch provides a comprehensive program to attract and retain customers. With automated marketing messages, verified customer reviews, social media content, professional websites and more, shops can engage with customers and enhance their online presence to build loyalty. SocialCRM is integrated with Manager SE, Mitchell 1’s industry-leading shop management software, for immediate access to vital customer details and insights.
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