Mitchell 1 announces it has significantly increased the IT infrastructure supporting its and other Web-based programs to provide subscribers with industry-leading system reliability and performance. As featured in AutoCareProNews.
In addition to bringing the hosting of its Web-based applications in-house to its new state-of-the-art facility, Mitchell 1 has taken extra steps to co-locate hosting services and completely upgrade its entire hosting network for the speed and reliability to service up to 100,000 customers at a single time.
“We’re using the industry’s finest equipment paired with advanced monitoring capabilities and multiple hosting sites for maximum up-time assurance.” said Mark Zecca, director of information technology for Mitchell 1. “And, just as importantly, we’ve dedicated an in-house team of information technology experts to ensure that remains the largest and most trusted provider of online repair information in the industry.”
These recent improvements add to Mitchell 1’s already high level of trust within the industry and builds on Mitchell 1’s’s other recent and significant gains in data completeness and rich product enhancements. Moreover, this powerful new hosting environment provides a strong foundation for the future for Mitchell 1’s newest Web-based solutions: Customer Retention Management (CRM), Mitchell 1 Performance Groups (MPG) and