Mitchell 1 announces it has become a Chrysler LLC MarketCenter supplier and will offer its new CallTracking Service (CTS) to Chrysler Dealers at a special discounted price.
CTS provides a way to gauge the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. Users receive a local or toll-free number that can be placed everywhere they advertise to prospects and customers – Web, newspaper, direct mail, radio, e-mail and more. The toll-free numbers ring seamlessly into the sales desk or service department and capture all inbound call data, including the phone number, date and time of call, customer name, call duration and address when available.
The media sources that prompted the most calls are tracked so users can see what marketing campaigns are producing the largest return based on call volume. CTS also pinpoints the customer location based on the zip codes of the different callers, so users can gain a better idea of where their marketing efforts are producing the highest return locally.
“With Mitchell 1 CTS, users will always know where their marketing dollars are providing the best returns,” said Chris Hurst, corporate sales manager, Mitchell 1 Business Performance Services. “No matter where a call comes from, CTS will help make the most of it.”
With CTS, users can:
• Track all calls that are made to the dealership after hours.
• Use the voice-mail feature to record those calls and listen to them remotely.
• Listen to audio recordings of all inbound calls to see how well the staff interacts with customers.
• Save the calls via MP3 format and build a library of good and poor call examples for training purposes.
• Access 100 percent of the calls from the CTS application to keep track of all the leads.
• View the reports and export them to Excel or send automatically via e-mail.
Another Mitchell 1 product available to dealerships, provides repair information for almost all makes and models going back to 1983 in a consistent, easy-to-use format. includes Diagnostics, Repair Information, TSBs, Recalls, Maintenance Requirements, Parts Prices, Labor Times, Vintage Information, and Fluid Types and Capacities that have been derived from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) published works. All this information is then combined to create the automotive industry’s best Wiring Diagrams, Users Tips, and Shortcuts that make up Mitchell 1