This is Part 4 of our 5-part blog series on ways marketing can help your shop enhance customer engagement and bring in more business.
Part 4 – Texting Campaigns
In the U.S., the ways we communicate varies significantly by age, but in general when looking across all age groups, consumers want more texts from businesses. Sending and receiving text messages is the most prevalent form of communication for Americans below age 50, but even 60% of baby boomers (57-67 years old) check their phone notification 1 to 3 times per hour on average. Combine this and an open rate of 98%, makes texting your customers for items such as appointment reminders and Thank You follow-up texts a complete no-brainer.
The not-so-obvious texting opportunity may be the ability to send marketing campaign blast texts to your customers. You may have noticed a sort of “feast-or-famine” in your sales during the recent pandemic. Since the result is an increase in unpredictable peaks and valleys it makes sense to gain more control by using the most effective marketing tool at your disposal.. Because 90% of consumers open their texts within 30 seconds this allows you to give them an offer they can’t refuse and drive immediate sales – putting you back in control of your business.
Expert Tip: Consider adding texting campaigns to your marketing mix, but be aware that there are legal requirements that must be followed. Text marketing requires documented prior consent by the recipient. The service offered by SocialCRM takes care of this for you. We will contact your customers by email; when they click the link in the email and agree to the promotional texting terms they become a part of your texting subscriber list. Check it out.
Missed Part 1, 2 or 3? Read them here:
5 Ways Auto Shop Marketing Has Become More Important Than Ever – Part 1
5 Ways Auto Shop Marketing Has Become More Important Than Ever – Part 2
5 Ways Auto Shop Marketing Has Become More Important Than Ever – Part 3