5 Ways Auto Shop Marketing Has Become More Important Than Ever – Part 2

This is Part 2 of our 5-part blog series on ways marketing can help your shop enhance customer engagement and bring in more business. 

Part 2 – Consumer Reviews

With far less face-to-face communication opportunities during the Covid-19 quarantine, consumers spent much more time online than ever before. In fact time on social media platforms jumped 10% in 2020 with people spending an average of 82 minutes per day on social media platforms. With fewer face-to-face relationship building opportunities, your online word-of-mouth marketing such as consumer reviews have became more important than ever.

Responding to both positive and negative review allows you to communicate and build a relationship outside of the normal face-to-face interactions. If you weren’t responding to reviews before, then it’s time to recognize this is a lost opportunity and prioritize making connections with customers that leave a review.

Expert Tip: Make it someone’s (or yours) responsibility to respond in a timely manner to both negative and positive reviews in order to build relationships. This responsibility could also include sharing positive reviews on social media.

Missed Part 1? Read it here: 5 Ways Auto Shop Marketing Has Become More Important Than Ever – Part 1


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About the Author

Brian Warfield

Brian Warfield is a Senior Product Manager for the Mitchell 1 SocialCRM product line. He has been in the automotive software business for over 20 years and has earned a degree in Marketing from the University of Cincinnati Business College.