5 Tips for Getting the Most Value from SocialCRM Shop Marketing

Most of the SocialCRM program features are automated, but there are multiple things you can do to supercharge the effectiveness of your shop marketing efforts. Here are a five simple ways to get the most value from your SocialCRM service:

1. Activate your automated text messages:

  • Log into your SocialCRM Reporting Dashboard and turn on your pre- and post-visit automated text
  • Ask every customer for a valid cell phone number and/or verify the current one you have on file.

Texting Options in SCRM

2. During your customer interactions:

  • Ask every customer for an email address and/or verify the current one you have on file.
  • Add a recommendation entry in Manager™ SE to cover any work that was not complete.
  • Let every customer know about the email and text communications being sent to them.
  • Remind every customer about their personal vehicle history website (ownerautosite.com).
  • Display the customer-facing items included in your SocialCRM Welcome kit.
  • Check for any new consumer review Star Notifications in Manager™ SE. This is a perfect time to thank your customer for their most recent review, and their loyalty at the front counter.
SocialCRM OwnerAutoSite - customer vehicle history website

SocialCRM OwnerAutoSite – customer vehicle history website

3. Manage your email:

  • Check your shop’s email regularly for important emails related to your service. Those notifications include: Appointment requests and confirmations, low score review requests and your SocialCRM email report.
  • Respond to emails when necessary.

4. Pay close attention to your consumer reviews and your online reputation:

  • Claim your Google My Business page.
  • Respond to all of your reviews, including SureCritic and Google.
  • Share your positive SureCritic reviews on social media.
  • Address any issues or concerns related to a low score review.
  • Use the SocialCRM ReScore process when necessary.

SocialCRM reviews dashboard

5. Consider expanding your reach with other services

These are just a handful of items that you can do to get more out of your SocialCRM program. If you want to learn about more things you can do or just have any questions, please contact your SocialCRM support agent.

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About the Author

Marcus Mackell

Marcus Mackell is the Director of Mitchell 1's SocialCRM shop marketing product line. He joined the company in 2003 and has been in the automotive social media & retention business for over 17 years.