Manager SE’s service writing features help service advisors provide exceptional, efficient service to keep customers coming back. The clarity of the new Job View professional documents earn their trust and loyalty. Service advisors also enjoy a better workday experience thanks to Manager SE’s customizable screen options.
- Plate-to-VIN decoding for fast, accurate vehicle ID
- Full vehicle repair history is one click away
- Fast access to repair info and multiple parts catalogs
- Customizable screen options saved to user profiles

See your customer’s important statistics with your shop, including lifetime dollars spent, number of invoices, credit status, and more. Service advisors also have immediate access to all your customer’s vehicles, with recommendations recorded for each vehicle.
Each time your customer visits your shop, a pop-up reminder lists Recommendations and Revisions (sub-estimates) previously identified, so service advisors can leverage this work.
Quickly access complete repair history of each vehicle serviced in your shop. Selecting the History tab reveals all of their repairs previously performed, including the dates and cost of every repair.
Vehicle recommendations are an integral part of service writing and a great opportunity for increasing invoice profit margins. Since these recommendations are linked to each vehicle, Manager SE automatically alerts you to mention them to your customer whenever the vehicle is looked up.
If you're a SocialCRM customer, these recommendations can be automatically converted into emails and postcards, making it easy to remind customers to bring their vehicles in for service.
Simply enter the license plate number, and Manager SE automatically decodes the VIN – instantly providing key vehicle details such as year, make and model, engine, and body style. This speeds up the estimating process for service advisors, improving overall shop efficiency.
Provide your techs with everything they need to process a vehicle through the shop with a technical worksheet. Labor descriptions, labor times, required parts, mileage and last visit date are all neatly organized in a checklist format. Space is provided for the technician to record those findings to share with the service advisor to record Recommendations and Revisions for the work identified.
We’ve added a new version of the tech worksheet that includes a summary of previous repairs with dates of service. Now they can keep working without having to ask the service advisor to look up this vehicle history.
Say goodbye to guesswork and create accurate, reliable and profitable estimates every time. Manager SE seamlessly integrates with ProDemand repair information, allowing you to add labor and parts details to your estimate.
Our latest feature set, Job View, helps shops produce clear, organized estimates and invoices – both on-screen and in customer-facing documents – enhancing professionalism and streamlining workflows.
Introducing Job View, a powerful new feature set in Manager SE that improves the clarity and organization of estimates and invoices. Job View provides an enhanced on-screen workflow across Order, Revision and History screens.
Job View makes it easier than ever to keep work organized and deliver clear, professional estimates and invoices that secure faster customer approvals and acceptance.
- Group labor tasks and related parts into job containers
- Track profitability of individual jobs or entire orders
- Quickly convert deferred work to future work in Revisions
- Apply multiple job-specific discounts
- Save customized appearance of screens to user profiles

Extensive Collection of Parts E-Catalogs
Manager SE offers the largest selection of aftermarket parts e-catalogs available in a shop management system. The comprehensive collection includes specialty parts and tires, allowing service writers to quickly check warehouse inventory and order parts with up-to-the-minute pricing directly within your shop management system.
When you order a part, Manager SE automatically generates a purchase order — streamlining the entire estimating process.
Business Management

Easily track sales, inventory and employee performance on a secure, user-friendly dashboard to see a 360-degree view of your operations.

Quickly produce accurate, profitable estimates; enhance clarity and organization of documents via the new Job View feature set.
Optional Features

Leverage powerful optional features like integrated payment processing, digital vehicle inspection tools and text messaging features.
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