Most Essential Car Maintenance Tips During Summer
As you know, the summer months can take an extreme toll on your customers’ cars —everything from the A/C system to the tires to the radiator. Providing preventative maintenance and repair to your customers before they take their summer family road trips can help provide peace of mind and bring you more business. After all, family trips are always more enjoyable when you’re driving on the road, not broken down on the side of it.
Our friends over at ASE have compiled a list of the most essential car maintenance tips to help get your customers’ cars road-ready during the summer. Here are five of the most important ones:
A/C System – Probably the most used system in the entire vehicle will be the air conditioner. Recommend to your customers to get their A/C system examined including the air filter. You may also need to refill the Freon in the unit should the A/C not be providing cool air.
Radiator Cooling System – The number one cause of summer breakdowns is the cooling system, so getting that services is a great recommendation for your customers. The coolant should be flushed about every two years or per manufacturer specs. If your customer hasn’t had it done in that time frame, it might be time to recommend it.
Windshield Wipers and Headlights – Some of the most overlooked items are wipers and headlights. Road trips will expose the windshield to all sorts of flora and fauna on the road including the “bug buffet” sure to be splattered on the glass. Should there be any night driving or low visibility areas on the trip, then strong working headlights are a necessity. Recommending to your customers that they have these items inspected and/or replaced is a must-have.
Battery – As you know, the battery works all year ‘round but with the addition of the A/C and longer drive hours on the road, the battery is pushed to its limit. Making sure that your customer’s battery has plenty of life left is quite important. If not, then a battery replacement is certainly on the books for service.
Oil and Filters – You may be surprised how many of your customers do not realize how frequently their vehicle’s oil should be changed. Bringing in your customers for routine oil changes is a great way to inspect the car for any other recommended repairs including the cabin, fuel and other filters in the vehicle.
Be sure to check ProDemand — your auto repair information resource — for all the maintenance information and procedures you’ll need to help your customers prepare for a safe and fun summer road trip!
Read the full article here: Getting Your Vehicle Ready for Summer
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