Registration is open for Mitchell 1’s Spring Shop Management Workshop, April 25-26 in Philadelphia. Designed for service advisors, owners and managers, this event helps users maximize Manager SE™ and ShopKey® systems. Attendees will explore advanced features, product updates, inventory, reporting and integration with aftermarket catalogs to boost shop efficiency.
Heavy-Duty eCatalog Now in Manager SE Truck Edition
Mitchell 1 Launches ‘Job View’ Feature in Manager SE Shop Management Software
Mitchell 1 Shop Management Seminar Scheduled for MAACA Super Saturday Training Expo
Mitchell 1 will host a highly-anticipated shop management seminar during the Mid-Atlantic Auto Care Alliance’s (MAACA) Super Saturday Training Expo & Trade Show. The seminar, held on Saturday, Nov. 16 in Pennsylvania, is tailored to help shop professionals unlock the full potential of their shop management systems.
Mitchell 1 Holds Spring Shop Management Workshop in San Diego
Join us for Mitchell 1’s 2024 Spring Shop Management Workshop, where our subject matter experts will share key insights and tips to help users unlock the full potential of Manager SE and ShopKey shop management systems. See event details, and find where to register! ➤
Manager SE Shop Management Seminar Scheduled at MAACA Super Saturday Training Expo
Join us for Mid-Atlantic Auto Care Alliance’s Super Saturday where our senior product marketing manager, Tim McDonnell, will host a shop management seminar. The seminar is geared towards shop attendees who already use our Manager SE or Snap-on ShopKey shop management systems. Learn the primary focus behind the seminar, see the event details, and find where to register!
Mitchell 1 Hosts Sold-Out Shop Management Workshop
Mitchell 1 Integrates VOYOLink Connected Car Platform with Shop Management Software
Mitchell 1 is pleased to announce it has integrated its Manager SE Shop Management software with VOYOLink, an advanced telematics solution that enables shops to remotely monitor the health of vehicles through a next-generation OBD-II device. Developed by Voyomotive, VOYOLink is a web-based platform that allows vehicle owners to connect to a Manager SE shop with a single click.
Mitchell 1 to Hold Spring Shop Management Workshop in Orlando; Registration is Now Open
Registration is now open for Mitchell 1’s Shop Management Workshop, scheduled for April 27-29 in Orlando, Florida. The workshop is designed to help professional service advisors and shop owners unlock the full potential of Manager SE™ and ShopKey® management systems to improve efficiency and grow their businesses.