Streamline Customer Communications with Text Message Marketing
Text messaging has become one of the main forms of communication today. In fact, it’s estimated that six billion texts are sent each day in the U.S., with an estimated read rate of 95% within three minutes of being sent. Text messages also have a 45% average response rate.
Texting Campaigns
SocialCRM has powered up its service with custom text message marketing campaigns. With Texting Campaigns, you can share your marketing messages and build loyalty, while also supporting and enhancing your other marketing channels. With so many text messages being read within seconds, text message marketing (also known as SMS “Short Message Service” marketing) is one of the most effective ways to connect with your valued customers.
The all-in-one texting solution allows you to build on-the-fly marketing text messages to communicate directly with customers. You can use personalized messages to promote exclusive deals and share important notifications. Everything can be managed with just a few clicks from your SocialCRM dashboard!
Text marketing requires documented prior consent by the recipient. SocialCRM has you covered! The service will contact your customers by email; when they click the link in the email and agree to the promotional texting terms they become a part of your texting subscriber list.
SocialCRM Texting Campaigns include:
- New SocialCRM Text Campaigns module
- Automated and manual texting consent emails
- Pre-set text campaign templates
- Highly personalized messages to custom solicitation lists
- Text message preview and sample text verification
- Pre-scheduled text campaigns up to one week in the future
- Real-time shop notifications of text responses
- Real-time shop notifications when new subscribers consent
Pre and Post Visit Text Notification Services
In addition to text marketing campaigns, SocialCRM will help you set up reminders and thank-you texts to help keep your customers engaged through ongoing, personalized messages from your shop.
Automated Texting
Use automated text messages to remind customers of their upcoming appointments and show them some gratitude after their appointment. That thank-you text you send them also includes an invitation and link to share their great experience with others by writing a review about your shop.
Real-time Notifications
The Text Messaging feature not only streamlines your customer communication efforts, but it’s quick and easy to set up. Simply add your customer’s cell phone number to the Manager™ SE shop management system to start communicating directly with your customers. Every time a customer responds to a text message, you receive an email or text notification and can respond back via your phone or SocialCRM dashboard to keep the communication flowing in a timely manner.
Additional Resources:
SocialCRM Texting Campaigns: Obtaining Prior Consent (video)
SocialCRM Texting Campaigns: Sending & Results (video)
How to be a Text Messaging Super Hero (blog post)