How to Boost Your Revenue by Using Recommendations

It has surely happened to you. You know — that moment when you have a toothache and realized you didn’t go for a cleaning and checkup six months ago like your dentist recommended. Whether it is a recommended dentist, doctor or some other visit, it’s easy to forget them when they’re not top of mind. The same is true for the recommendations you give your customers.
Often, customers come into your shop for one service, but while you are inspecting their vehicle you find additional issues that need to be addressed. In many cases, the customer declines having the additional work done because they do not have the time, the money or just think it could wait. As time goes on, they forget. So you need to remind them. Don’t worry; you’re not being a pest by reminding them.
Not only are you helping ensure the health of your customer’s car and showing them that you care, but you are also helping to boost your shop’s revenue. Score on all three accounts!
Remember, these are services your customers NEED to keep their vehicle running safely and reliably. For your shop, the services are potential lost sales that could go to a competitor if your customer gets a coupon from them at a later date. Really, the only way to efficiently stay on top of the process of tracking and reminding all your customers about their recommendations is to automate.
And the perfect way to automate the recommendation reminders you send out is to use a system that integrates with your management system. You may have the declined recommended service swirling around in your head as the customer’s car is still in the shop, but you have the ability to schedule a reminder to be sent to them down the road.
For example, if you have the Mitchell 1 Manager SE shop management system that is integrated with the SocialCRM auto shop marketing program, you can do this very quickly. Simply add the recommendation/s to the work order and the date the work is needed by, and the SocialCRM program will automatically remind your customer via email.
This not only can increase your revenue by bringing your customer back in for this additional service, but it will also help keep your customers safe and their vehicle in good operating condition. And it’s convenient – they can instantly schedule an appointment by clicking a link in the email.
Check out these samples of recommendation reminders:
If you are interested in saving time and getting timely communications automated, the SocialCRM program can help.
Curious About the Recommendation Automation Process?
Here’s how it works: Enter the Recommendation into the Manager SE shop management system by navigating to the “Vehicle” tab. Select “Add.”

Track recommendation responses in your SocialCRM dashboard (can be accessed from Manager SE) by going to the Responses tab and selecting “Recurring Campaigns.”2.) Track recommendation responses in your SocialCRM dashboard (can be accessed from Manager SE) by going to the Responses tab and selecting “Recurring Campaigns.”

3.) There is no #3. It’s literally that easy!