The Mitchell 1 SocialCRM shop marketing service has recently been named a Google Badge Partner. The certification recognizes expertise in managing high-performing Google pay-per-click campaigns, and demonstrated Google Ads skill and expertise by passing assessments and earning certifications through the Google Academy for Ads. Mitchell 1’s badge includes specializations in search advertising and mobile advertising.
The partner status brings with it special access to Google Ads staff and tips that can help to improve the Google pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns for all PPC clients. In addition, the SocialCRM team can attend in-depth Google Ads training, learn about upcoming updates, work with a dedicated Google representative for strategy consulting and have access to new Google Ads features and services before they launch to the public.
“We’re excited to now have access to more tools to help our shop customers extend their internet reach, target consumers looking for auto repair services and maximize return on their advertising investment,” said Marcus Mackell, marketing manager for SocialCRM, Mitchell 1.
In February 2019, SocialCRM launched its Google Ads service, offering paid search advertising to help automotive repair shops attract new business and maintain an effective online presence as a key part of their overall marketing strategy. The recognition by Google as a certified partner status verifies SocialCRM’s expertise in delivering solid overall ad revenue and growth for its shop customers and reaching designated spend and activity goals across managed accounts.
Mitchell 1’s SocialCRM auto repair marketing service provides a comprehensive program to attract and retain customers. With automated marketing messages, verified customer reviews, social media content, professional websites and more, shops can engage with customers and enhance their online presence to build loyalty. SocialCRM is integrated with Manager™ SE, Mitchell 1’s industry-leading shop management software, for immediate access to vital customer details and insights.
For more information about Mitchell 1, visit, call (888) 724-6742, or locate an independent sales consultant at