Mitchell 1 provides TPMS information to Modern Tire Dealer, an award-winning publication that writes editorial content geared to independent tire dealers. We’re sharing this content in our blog, with a link to the Modern Tire Dealer website where you can read the article in full. The TPMS information in this article may also be accessed in the reset procedures tab in our ProDemand® auto repair information software, along with other important reset procedure data for the selected vehicle.
SUBJECT VEHICLES: Toyota Tacoma, 2006-16
SPECIAL TOOLS NEEDED? Yes. Toyota Techstream.
The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) of the 2006-2016 Toyota Tacoma is designed to provide warning when tire inflation pressure of one or more tires (including the spare tire) is low. A tire pressure monitor valve sub-assembly equipped with a tire pressure sensor/transmitter is installed in each tire and wheel assembly.
The sensor measures the air pressure and internal temperatures of the tire, then the measured values and transmitter ID are transmitted to the tire pressure monitor antenna and receiver assembly on the body as radio waves. These radio waves are then sent to the tire pressure monitor ECU from the tire pressure monitor receiver. If the transmitter ID has already been registered, the ECU compares the measured air pressure value and the standard value. When the value is less than the standard value registered in the tire pressure monitor ECU, the tire pressure warning light on the instrument cluster will turn on.
In order to reset the warning threshold in accordance with variant tire pressure settings due to tire types and installation positions, a tire pressure warning reset switch is used. This switch is used to initialize the system after certain repair procedures.
NOTE: Due to the air valve angle of the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter, they may not be used on wheels other than those originally installed on the vehicle.
Under the following conditions, the system may not function properly:
- The areas, facilities, or devices that use similar radio wave frequencies are located in the vicinity of the vehicle.
- A radio device of similar frequency is used near the vehicle.
- A lot of snow or ice is stuck to the vehicle, especially around the wheels or wheel housings.
- Tires and wheels are installed that are not equipped with a tire pressure sensor.
- Snow tires or tire chains are used.
- The battery of the sensor has been depleted.
- Wheels other than manufacturer factory wheels are used.
If any other wheels than the specified ones are used, the system may not function properly because the radio waves are differently transmitted from the tire pressure sensor.
Radio waves from the air pressure sensor installed on the spare tire cannot be received. If this problem has occurred, rotate the spare tire 90 degrees and recheck the system. Depending on the tire type, the system may not function properly even though the specified wheels are used.
- Using a different type of tire in combination with the original tires.
- If the system was initialized with tire pressures which are not the specified values.
Tire pressure monitoring warning light
NOTE: The tire pressure warning light may turn on due to natural causes such as natural air leaks or tire pressure changes caused by temperature. In this case, adjusting the tire pressure will turn off the warning light.
NOTE: If the warning light turned on due to very low outside temperatures (such as in winter) causing decreases in tire pressure, adjust the pressure and initialize the system. See “Initializing tire pressure monitor system.” Then leave the ignition on for about 20 minutes, and increase the tire inflation pressure by 3 – 4 psi (20 – 30 kPa).
When the tire pressure warning light does not go off, or when it comes on during driving, check tire pressure (including the spare tire) and adjust as necessary. The warning light should turn off within a few minutes. If the warning light is still on even though the tire pressure is correctly adjusted, the tire could be punctured. Repair as necessary. If the warning light stays on or blinks, there is a malfunction in the TPMS. See the appropriate manufacturer service information.
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