Get2Know - Manager SE
Our Shop Management videos are organized into five playlists with quizzes to serve as knowledge checks. Click on each video in a Playlist, then take the associated quiz. A score of 85% or greater provides options to print or save a PDF copy of your own certificate.

PLAYLIST 1 ... Workflow & Features
Program Flow Demo
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Take QuizPLAYLIST 2 ... LEARN Workbook Concepts
Revisions (Sub-Estimates)
Work-In-Progress Screen Overview
Order Screen part 1
Vehicle Screen Details
Program Security Demo
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Having reviewed the material and you're feeling confident take the course quiz.
Take QuizPLAYLIST 3 ... SETUP Workbook Concepts
Creating a User
Vendor Setup [catalog link]
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Having reviewed the material and you're feeling confident take the course quiz.
Take QuizPLAYLIST 4 ... Inventory & Additional Features
Program Security Overview
P.O. Restock From Inventory
Inventory Update
Add Part to Inventory
Inventory Overview
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Having reviewed the material and you're feeling confident take the course quiz.
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