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Working with Accordions in 1Search Plus

TruckSeries truck repair information users now have access to 1Search™ Plus, a powerful new tool that revolutionizes searches within TruckSeries. To quickly provide the information needed to get the truck back on the road, 1Search Plus searches the Mitchell 1 data storehouse for the component/symptom, or trouble code entered.

Here’s a quick walk-through the search process and tips for using the accordions that link from the 1Search Plus card dashboard.

Figure 1: Component or Symptom Search

Figure 2: Trouble Code Search

Once the search is entered, 1Search Plus returns a link to the information specific to the search:

Figure 3: Link to Searched Information

Selecting the link opens up the card view identifying the various information types available for the component/symptom:

Figure 4: 1Search Plus Card View

Selecting the “Remove & Replace” card opens up the accordions:

Figure 5: Accordion View

Note the accordions are identified as “1 of 3” through “3 of 3”. For this illustration all the accordions are collapsed. However, in actual operation the first accordion containing information will be opened when the card is selected from Figure 4.

But what are these accordions?

For the Component/System search, the accordions contain the following information:

Another way of looking at how the accordions organize the information would be to view it as progressively larger areas of the vehicle.

Figure 6 – The Component/System search

The Trouble Code search is somewhat different than the Component/System search in that the codes are selected from drop-downs in the search box:

Figure 7: Trouble Code Search

The link to the “card view” and the “card view” operates in the same way as with the “Component/Symptom” search. However, in the “accordion view” it will be noted that an additional fourth accordion appears.

Figure 8: Trouble Code Accordions

The accordions also contain different data as follows:

The new 1Search Plus tool will be a terrific asset in helping the technician quickly find the information needed to get the truck back on the road.

Read more:

Get started with 1Search Plus – TruckSeries

Truck Techs: Work More Efficiently with the New 1Search Plus Feature


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