Part 3 of a 3-part series: Potential Customers Are Looking at Your Reviews
Do you know how most consumers go about finding a new automotive repair shop? The latest SureCritic survey asks consumers about the influence of consumer reviews on that process. What if we told you 90% of consumers rely on consumer reviews when deciding where to service their vehicle – would that matter to your business success? You better believe it! This three-part blog post will explore what your online review reputation may be saying to your potential customers and how to take control of the message.
Tips to Maximize Your Review Marketing
In Part 1 we discussed how taking control of your “online reputation” starts with collecting reviews that have been verified and how they have more credibility with consumers shopping for auto services. With Part 2 we focused on how responding to reviews can positively impact consumers’ impression of your business. To complete the trio, we discuss in Part 3 a few tricks on how to maximize your review marketing opportunity.
“Around half of vehicle owners are willing to travel farther (56%) or pay more (49%) in order to patronize a business with higher reviews.”
It’s clear according to SureCritic’s 2021 AUTOMOTIVE REVIEW INFLUENCE STUDY that consumers value the peace of mind that comes with higher online review scores and that ‘…Around half of vehicle owners are willing to travel farther (56%) or pay more (49%) in order to patronize a business with higher reviews..’
These loyal customers are looking for a business they can trust and one in which they can create a long-term business relationship built upon that trust. The question to ask yourself is, how can reviews help you build long-term relationships?
Let’s assume you take care of your customers during their visit and they in turn give you a positive review; what else can you do to build relationships using their review? How about by leveraging their positive review by taking it a step further and thanking them for the positive impact their review has on your business? This can be done quite easily by just responding to positive reviews immediately afterwards, and also saying ‘Thank You’ at the front counter during their next visit. You can click here to read how easy Mitchell 1‘s SocialCRM auto shop marketing has made to build better relationships by thanking your customers and by doing it at just the right moment.
Click for insights from the SureCritic’s 2021 AUTOMOTIVE REVIEW INFLUENCE STUDY
Missed Parts 1 and 2?
Check out Part 1 here – What Are Verified Reviews and Why Are They Better?
Check out Part 2 here – Responding to Reviews — Why it Matters
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