Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

Meet your Mitchell 1 Marketing Team Member: Victor Michael

The “Meet Your Team Member” feature provides an inside look at the SocialCRM auto shop marketing service from the perspective of one of our product experts. In an interview format, they share expertise, insights and best practices to help auto repair shops use digital marketing strategies to gain competitive advantage in their market.

This time we had the opportunity to sit down with Victor Michael, one of our web designers for SocialCRM and LocalSearch, to obtain his thoughts and tips to boost a shop’s internet presence with their website. Victor has years of experience with internet marketing, including website SEO, social media marketing, and enriching businesses’ online presence, so he’s got some valuable insights to share.

Victor, what are some of the important factors to keep in mind for a business website?

A fact that is quite interesting but often overlooked is that as of 2021, over half of the world’s population is using the internet and over 90% of those internet users are using mobile devices. That equates to roughly over 4 billion people. If you own and operate a business, then not being seen on the internet is simply just not an option.

One important reason for engaging professional website services is to ensure that all of the various pieces of the puzzle “fit” together so your shop can be easily found when consumers search for your services. It helps ensure customers get a good sense of the integrity of your business — and you as owner or manager. This can be accomplished by offering a website with personalized images, text and reviews from past customers. You’re building a reputation with all of these things, so it’s important to make sure they all fit well.

Another important factor is the ability to communicate to your customers and potential future customers. Be sure to share information about the services you offer, your location, how to reach you, and of course, how to schedule an appointment to come in to your shop. This information should be easily found on your site.

What unique benefits do the Mitchell 1 LocalSearch websites offer to shops?

I love how our LocalSearch websites are simple and clean. Customers can easily navigate around and easily find what they need right away. They can find ways to save money with specials promotions, and there are forms to schedule an appointment, to simply make an inquiry, and to check to see what specific services are offered. They can also quickly see if you offer a particular specialty service or perhaps if you specialize in a particular make and model vehicle.

We also provide several specialized treatments to our LocalSearch services to increase your internet visibility. A few other services we provide include:

Customer reviews can also speak volumes to your reputation and the quality of your products and services. The SocialCRM LocalSearch websites display recent 5-Star reviews with details of the repair order. This exclusive content enhances your website’s ability to be found by your next potential customer!

How can a SocialCRM LocalSearch website showcase a shop’s branding?

Mitchell 1 understands the importance of adding your personal touches and information to your LocalSearch website. You can rest assured that our team will take care of the rest of details that will give your website and your internet presence a competitive edge. So you can improve your odds for being found on the internet and capture and retain new customers and generate more revenue!

Shop owners need to know that our SocialCRM auto shop Marketing Team is always there to help throughout the whole process. Staying on top of business trends and maintaining a customer-centric focus is the top goal for us and our clients.

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