How long have you been with Mitchell 1, and how long have you been a SocialCRM agent?
It has been a little over a year, and I have been a SocialCRM agent the whole time.
What do you like the most about your interactions with your customers and why?
I’d say just getting to know how the shops run things. Of course, all shops are in the business to repair vehicles, but the way in which they engage their consumers is different from the time the customer walks through the door to when they leave. Understanding my customer’s business and their processes, helps me get on the same page with them to find the best ways that I can add value and make suggestions to help them be successful.
What are some of the things that the more successful shops do—the ones that are having better success with the program and better success in general? What are they doing differently?
Asking for email addresses and the way in which service writers, technicians and shop owners ask for those email address is important. Some shops just ask for the email address with no explanation. A lot of customers are wary of giving email addresses because they are concerned about too many sales pitches or spammy emails. The consumer often follows up with, “Why do you need my email address?” Mistakenly, the auto shop team member will just respond with, “Well I am going to send you a coupon.” This is a lost opportunity.
The more successful shops explain in detail by letting the customer know, ”It allows us to set up access to your personal Service History website (OwnerAuto Site). You’ll also be able to see all of your service history and invoices that have been performed at our shop, coupons, community events and many other beneficial communications.” Basically, some shops are better than others at explaining the benefits of leaving an email address. Telling your consumer these benefits actually adds value to the customer, and this extra value gives the customer the perception of better service. With an explanation, they are also much more likely to actually leave their email address.
Do you notice the shops that do explain the value to their consumers are getting better returns on the investment of their SocialCRM service?
Part 2 Coming Soon – Be sure to read part two of Jonathan’s interview in the next coming weeks where he shares additional ways to get the most value from the SocialCRM service.