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Why People Share on Social Media

Why People Share on Social Media

Do you find yourself wondering what motivates people to share so many details about themselves on social media? Check out the article below from the folks at MarketingProfs for some interesting insights into sharing on social media. Note that 30% of people said they share to recommend a business, product or service. Those are people who might be recommending your shop to their social media contacts!

The most common reason people post on social media is “to share interesting things” (61%), according to a recent report from Ipsos.

The next most popular motivation is to “to share important things” (43%), followed by “to share funny things” (43%).

Other common reasons for sharing online are “to let others know what I believe in and who I really am” (39%); “to recommend a product, service, movie, book, etc.” (30%); “to add my support to a cause, an organization, or a belief” (29%); and “to share unique things” (26%).

Two in ten share “to let others know what I’m doing” (22%) and “to add to a thread or conversation” (20%). One in ten say they share on social media “to show I’m in the know” (11%).

Overall, 71% of respondents said they had shared something on a social media in the past month.

Below, additional key findings from the report, which was based on an online survey of more than 12,000 global “sharers” (people who had shared some type of content on social media sites in the previous month).

Regional Differences

 About the research: The report was based on an online poll of an international sample of 18,150 adults (12,420 “sharers”) age 18-64 in the US and Canada, and 16-64 in all other countries. The poll was conducted between April 2 and April 16, 2013.

Click to read the full article. 

Social sharing image courtesy of Vlado at

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