Remember Y2K?
About this time 15 years ago, Mitchell 1 was on the edge of our collective seats – along with all of the major software development companies around globe… and well, anyone whose life was touched by a computer. In other words, almost everyone. The big question on all our minds was would all the computers crash and would the world end when the calendar switched over to 2000.
Kids who are in high school today have no memory of the “Y2K Problem,” also known as the Millennium Bug. But if you’re an adult, you surely recall the big buildup — the survival kits being sold and the major HYPE! And I’m sure you remember where you were that New Year’s Eve. And then the ball dropped at midnight and absolutely nothing bad happened. Planes didn’t fall out of the skies, power grids stayed online, and the financial world did not collapse.
On this 15th anniversary of Y2K, we thought we’d share Mitchell 1’s response to the Y2K furor – the cover of our 1999-2000 Automotive Repair Catalog, and a message reassuring customers that our software had been thoroughly tested and would work after January 1, 2000. (Click to expand the thumbnails to full size.) In fact, we went so far as to guarantee our software would be immune to the Millennium Bug…. and sure enough, it was!
Happy New Year from everyone at Mitchell 1!