Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

Play our Factoid Trivia Game!

Welcome to Factoid Friday!

Answer the Factoid question correctly and win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Welcome to our Factoid Friday guessing game that blends a twist of trivia with an interactive component and features pieces of iconic automotive history from the Mitchell 1 Library. To keep things interesting, we even offer a prize!

In a recent Throwback Thursday blog post, we wrote about the “Mitchell Manual Mile” and the ever-growing amount of repair data that Mitchell 1 processes on a continual basis. Writing about the manuals got us thinking about how much shelf space shops needed hold all that data. After the books, the data was available on CDs, then DVDs, and is now accessible online in our ProDemand™ software. If you access ProDemand on your tablet, you don’t even need desk space, let alone shelves!

Of course, some of our customers still have their books – some going all the way back to the 1940s. We have them in our library, too, so I know they take up a lot of shelf space. Just how much space? Well, that’s what this Factoid Friday is all about.

Here’s the Factoid Question:

How many feet of linear shelf space did it take to house the complete 1999 Mitchell library of service & repair manuals?  

Hint: The repair manuals were organized into three main vehicle categories: domestic cars, light trucks and vans, and import cars. The complete library included books for Engine Performance, Electrical, Engine, Chassis, Heating & Air Conditioning, Electrical Component Locator, Transmission, Parts & Labor Estimating, Labor Estimating Only, and Transmission Parts & Labor Estimating for the three categories. Below are a couple images from the 1999 Mitchell 1 Catalog. For additional hints, also check our Twitter feed (using the hashtag #M1FactoidFriday) over the next week:



Whoever has the closest answer will win a $25 gift card. Deadline to answer is 5:00 p.m. (PST) on Friday, Sept. 12, 2014. You only get one guess, so make it a good one. In the case of a tie, a winner will be selected randomly from among those who submitted correct answers. We will provide the answer and announce the winner right here in a future blog post, so stay tuned!

Submit your answer below in the “Leave a Comment” section. (By entering, you agree to have your name published if you have the winning guess. Your contact information will not be published, and will only be used to contact you to arrange for delivery of the prize. Mitchell 1 and Snap-on employees, contractors and their families are welcome to participate, but are not eligible to win the prize. Void where prohibited.) Good luck!

The deadline to enter this contest has expired. Click to read the answer and check back next month for another Factoid Friday! 

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