Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

Integrated Credit Card Processing Fuels Efficiency

Accepting and processing credit card payments is an essential part of doing business for today’s auto shops. Without it, you could lose a large part of your revenue and your customer base. However, it’s also a complex, costly task that typically requires a number of different credit card terminals to cover all card types, and time-consuming accounting reconciliation at the end of each month. In addition, credit card fraud is a constant danger that requires ongoing vigilance to protect your shop and your customers.

Mitchell 1 has a better way. We’ve integrated industry-leading payment processing into our Manager SE shop management software, to increase efficiency, reduce payment costs and grow revenues. With the Manager SE system, you have an integrated payment process system that allows you to process credit card payments right from your payment screen.  In fact, we have two great systems to choose from: XCharge and 1stMILE.

How It Works

Credit Card ProcessingXCharge is a payment processing application designed to integrate your credit, debit, check and gift card transactions with your computer software or e-commerce application. By processing credit and debit card payments directly from your Mitchell 1 shop management software, it streamlines the entire payment process for faster, more accurate transactions.

1stMILE is an automotive payment software that automates your shop’s credit, debit, and fleet card payment process while helping to increase security, reliability and efficiency at the point of sale. In addition to all major credit cards, 1stMILE allows you to accept leading retail finance cards and have access to millions of fleet card users at no additional cost. You can also offer your auto repair customers a fully-digital high ticket financing option that supplements finance card turndowns, accepting lower credit scores, while still offering very reasonable rates and conditions.

Fast, Safe and Secure

The XCharge system improves the entire credit card payment process in many different ways. It’s simple to learn, easy to use, and offers complete integration with Manager SE. It speeds transactions by using Internet rather than dial-up authorization, cutting processing time to five seconds or less. It also eliminates the need to move between your shop management system and your credit card payment software/terminal. All of which creates a better experience for your customers, giving them another reason to do business with you again.

XCharge can also help you significantly reduce routine paperwork, allowing employees to work more efficiently and effectively. And there is no need to re-key sales information on a separate terminal, so you can reduce data entry errors. The system also supports partial payments for customers who can’t pay the whole invoice. And more important to your bottom line, XCharge reduces your costs of accepting electronic payments.

Grow Your Business with 1stMILE

1stMILE makes processing auto shop payments quick, easy and profitable.

When auto shop customers apply for credit to pay their bills, 1stMILE automates the application process for faster service. It also gives you access to 10 million fleet card users and offers sub-prime interest-free financing for qualified customers.

Completely integrated with Manager SE, 1stMILE does not charge markups or cancellation fees. It is PCI compliant and supports mobile wallet payments. Plus, it offers next-day funding and helps drive the lowest possible interchange rates.

If you’re tired of the time and expense of old-fashioned payment processing, XCharge and 1stMILE can help you save time, improve staff efficiency and increase revenues for your business while giving customers a better service experience.

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