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SureTrack Featured FAQ: What is a Tip?

SureTrack Featured FAQ: What is a Tip?

SureTrack Featured FAQs provide “bite-sized” portions of information to help you make full use of the many features inside the product, including exclusive SureTrack tools and real-world insights from professional technicians. Whether you’re just getting started or have been using the resource for a while, you’ll find helpful tidbits here that you might not yet have discovered.

What is a “Tip”?

A “Tip” should be a short yet complete description of the problem and repair for a vehicle. These can be shortcuts to a repair or diagnosis, or something you found while fixing the vehicle that will help the next tech. Tips are returned in the search results.

How and when can I enter a Tip?

If you have a new fix to a specific vehicle problem please share! Create a SureTrack community Tip to share your expertise with other technicians in the SureTrack community. A SureTrack community Tip is a short yet complete description of the repair for a particular vehicle problem.

How can I create a new SureTrack Tip?

To create a new SureTrack Tip follow these instructions (and see Figure 1 below):

  1. Select either, “Select Vehicle” or “Change Vehicle” from the Header Bar and enter the identifying attributes of the vehicle you are writing the Tip about.
  2. Select “Enter a Tip” from the Navigation Bar.
  3. Enter your Tip Title in the Title field of the form. Title should be short and to the point. Describe the symptom or system that the tip is about. No need to include the vehicle as it has already been selected.
  4. Compose your Tip in the Content field. Include as much information as possible, while keeping the information concise and to the point. A Tip should provide accurate information that is easy to read, understand, and follow.
  5. Click “Submit” once you are satisfied with your Tip.

Figure 1 – Click the image to expand to full size

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