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SureTrack Featured FAQ: What Are Answer Ratings?

SureTrack Featured FAQ: What Are Answer Ratings?

SureTrack Featured FAQs provide “bite-sized” portions of information to help you make full use of the many features inside the product, including exclusive SureTrack tools and real-world insights from professional technicians. Whether you’re just getting started or have been using the resource for a while, you’ll find helpful tidbits here that you might not yet have discovered.

What are “Good Answer” or “Best Answer” ratings?

Rating answers is one way to give back to the Sure Track community. The member who originally asked the question gets to select a “Good Answer” and a “Best Answer” from all of the responses. The community member who provided answers with the Good Answer or Best Answer rating is recognized for their contribution.

A few tips about Good Answers and/or Best Answers:

How Do I Close a Question?

Questions that you post to the community need to be closed once the vehicle issue has been resolved. You are encouraged to document the fix and an important part doing so is providing information about what actually fixed the vehicle so that other SureTrack community members can use the information in the future.

To close a question, select at least one reply as the Best Answer and any replies that are Good Answers. Then click the “Close Question” button on the right side of your original question. Add the details about what fixed the vehicle in the space provided and then click the “Close” button on the form. Your question is now converted to a SureTrack Community Tip.

Note: If none of the replies answered your question, reply to the post yourself with the fix and then mark that as the “Best Answer” and then close your question. Also do this if you didn’t actually fix the car or the customer declined the fix.

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