Your website is your storefront in today’s market. Most customers will visit your website before they decide whether or not to come into your auto repair shop. Would you send your modern computer to a repair shop whose website looks like it was from the 60’s? Not likely.
It’s very important that your auto repair shop website gives customers information that makes them think, “I’m going to go there to get my car repaired.” They have many options to choose from, so don’t let your website be a stumbling block to your customers. Here are a few ways that your website can drive business to your shop:
- Convert visitors to paying customers: 77% of customers search online for auto repair shops before choosing a service provider. Having a strong website helps you turn those searches into business. The look of your website can immediately capture the respect of your customers. Make them feel that they’ve found the right place and they won’t go anywhere else. A great website makes people want to explore more pages, meaning they spend on more time on your website and are exposed to all that you have to offer.
- Provides your business online visibility: With the right internet search visibility strategies, your website can bring in new customers, including those who never would have heard of your business otherwise. There is a lot of information on the internet, so your website needs the right tools behind the scenes to show up on search sites. You might have a great website, but customers don’t know unless they see it.
- Allow customers to book appointments online: Your website can do some of the work for you, with appointment request forms that help customers schedule appointments for service – without you lifting a finger! Scheduling is no easy task, and often takes time away from repairing cars and interacting with customers. Allowing your customers to book appointments online makes things much easier for you and them and eliminates the possibility of any misunderstanding due to a bad connection. Online reservations allow customers to contact you at any time, without you missing phone calls in the middle of the night.
- Establish a strong brand image: If a customer drives by your shop and wants to know more, they’re likely to search for you online. If they can’t find you, or if your website doesn’t look professional, they’re more likely to take their business elsewhere! Tech companies and the advertising industry have changed the way customers expect businesses to be. Having a great website tells customers that you are with the times and not out of date.
- Your customers want it! In a survey of auto repair shop customers, 60% of customers said that they wanted their auto repair shop to improve their website. Give your customers what they want, and you’ll benefit! Your website should instill confidence in your customers, but that doesn’t mean you need to have a degree in graphic design or be a web master. Your car repair expertise is all you need, because the SocialCRM auto repair marketing service takes care of the rest. Our experts will help you choose from a selection of website templates. We will give you the peace of mind that your online storefront accurately reflects the quality of your car care.