Recurring Target Market Campaigns + New Year = SUCCESS in 2015!
If you’re asking yourself, what’s a Recurring Target Market Campaign (RTMC)? Or how can I find out more about Recurring Target Market Campaigns, you’re on the right track and definitely asking the right questions to help ensure success for the New Year.
The SocialCRM team launched our first RTMC in 2014 — a state inspection reminder email that targets vehicles based on their next state inspection due date. And throughout the year we rolled out additional RTMCs for recommendations and timing belt services.
To set up your RTMCs, see the Manager SE screen shots below to make sure that you’re entering in the correct information into all the right fields to ensure that we’re generating as many RTMCs as possible for your business. And remember, RTMCs are in addition to the OEM service reminders and thank-you emails that the system is already sending to your customers on your behalf.
These recurring campaigns are another great communication tactic to keep your business name and brand in front of the consumer. Remember, if you’re not marketing to your customers, someone else is.
Here’s the run-down on the three new RTMCs offered by SocialCRM:
1. State Inspection: Make sure you’re entering and/or adjusting the inspection date field as needed per vehicle. By default we’ll generate an RTC to go out 30 days in advance of the inspection due date. The 30-day window can be adjusted, if needed.
2. Recommendations: Enter any deferred/declined work and make sure to add the recommended due by date. We’ll use that date to forecast and send the recommendation RTMC email 30 days in advance of suggested due by date. If you don’t forecast out the due by date, by default the date will remain the same as the date you created the recommendation, which will result in the recommendation RTC going out just a few days after customer’s most recent visit.
3. Timing Belt: Simply enter the mileage for the vehicle at each service/visit and we’ll generate the timing belt RTMC based on the OEM schedule interval.
- Please contact your SocialCRM support agent with any questions
- Read more about SocialCRM email marketing services and campaigns
- Read about the Perfect Email Campaign
- Read how to Automate Your State Inspection Emails