Our ProDemand Development team has been busy this year, continuing to release software updates based on customer feedback. In this release, the team focused on updating the Estimate Guide categories, adding collapsible headings under content tabs, and many additional improvements:
Collapsible headings under content tabs: When you view the information in a tab following a 1Search, the top-level headings for information contained in that tab are displayed at the top of the page. The latest improvement is to now show the headings in a collapsible format, giving you a more concise view of the headings.
Sub-Model selection: Sub-model is now a required selection during the vehicle selection process, reducing the chance of ProDemand asking for further vehicle information as you navigate.
Updated Progress Indicator: The progress indicator has been improved to more accurately track loading progress during article display.
iOS7 no longer supported: The mobile version of ProDemand will no longer work on iOS7. The most up-to-date operating system, iOS9, is available for download from Apple using the “Settings” app on your mobile device.
Additional Articles tab: The Additional Articles tab has been suppressed with the information redistributed among the other information tabs.
Keyword Search filters: The search filters in Keyword Search in the Service Manual module have been re-labeled and re-organized by alphabetical order.