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Have You Attended ProDemand Training Yet?

Have You Attended ProDemand Training Yet?

If you answered “no,” here’s another questions for you: Are you using all the features in ProDemand? If that’s another “no” answer, then you owe it to yourself to attend ProDemand training. Whether you’re just getting started with the product, need a refresher or just want to become more proficient, we have many resources to help you make full use of ProDemand.

What resources are available for training on ProDemand?

1) Online Training Center –  The Get2Know Training Center contains links to all of our training resources, including live training, video training, “getting started” documents, and online support contact information. This is the central hub of information for all ProDemand product training resources.

2) Online Live Training – We highly recommended this training for all users, as it goes into depth on all of the datasets and features available in ProDemand. The return on this small investment of your time is huge, saving you many hours in the long term and helping ensure you get the most out of your subscription.

3) Video Training – We have more than 10 videos available 24/7 that you can watch at your convenience. This is a great option if you only have a few minutes to spare or want to focus on a specific aspect of the software.

What will I learn in the online live training?

The online live training is the most in-depth learning experience available — and best of all, it’s free. Our Trainer starts by giving an overview of all the features of ProDemand, including looking up examples for each module. The training is built around the questions we most frequently receive from customers using the software. One of the most valuable features is the Q & A session. This is your opportunity to ask your questions and have the Trainer address your specific need.

I don’t have time to attend a live training, what other options do I have?

No worries, we also have the training videos available at in the Get2Know Training Center. Each video is brief, 3-5 minutes, so that you can watch a video on a break or at home after hours. The videos are organized per module and explain each feature in detail. Training videos are also good if you just want a quick refresher on how to use a specific feature in the product.

What is the best way to contact Mitchell1 about training?

Email works best. Send an email directly to the ProDemand Trainer at If you have a specific training need, we’ll work with you to accommodate your schedule and get you the answers to your questions so you’re comfortable and using the software most efficiently.

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