Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

Meet Your Mitchell 1 Marketing Specialist: Bailey Aginiga

Marketing Specialist, SocialCRM Support AgentThe “Meet Your Marketing Specialist” series provides an inside look at our SocialCRM shop marketing services from the perspective of our dedicated specialists. The Mitchell 1 team of marketing pros are individually assigned to specific shops in order to ensure each user receives the dedicated marketing support they need; included at no extra cost for our marketing service subscribers.

In this interview, Bailey shares the expert insights and best practices that she uses with her assigned shops to help other auto repair businesses leverage these effective digital marketing strategies to increase bottom lines while also gaining a competitive advantage in their market.

Introducing Bailey

I had the opportunity to sit down with Bailey Aginiga, a SocialCRM Marketing Specialist, to obtain her insights and experiences when it comes to the best approach to a business’s website performance. Here are the key elements she’s seen provide optimized performance:

Bailey, when it comes to a business considering website services, what do you find are the most important factors to consider?

As a business owner, your digital footprint is everything. Statistics show that the vast majority of consumers will look up a business online before investing in it. So, if your business lacks a website presence, where are potential new customers able to find information about your business?

It is easy to think that your reviews may be the only reason consumers are coming to your shop. While that may help from a recommendation perspective, it still does not give the personal insight they are looking for as to who you are and why they should choose your shop over another in the area.

This information is key when it comes directly from the source – you! Your website is a way to share personal insight on your business. It is a way to have control over what your potential customers are reading and learning about you online, which can also impact the trust that they have in your business. PLUS, your competitors most likely have a website!

What is website performance optimization, and why is it important?  

Making a website look “cool” or nice is a great start, but looks are not always what makes your website work. Your performance optimization is the foundation. Keywords are a huge factor in this.

Your consumers are not typing “Cool Website” in their search bars. Instead, they may search for “Auto Repair Near Me” or “Oil Change.” Technology has advanced to recognize that you have those keywords embedded into your website.

A search engine like Google will scan the websites in your area that say “Oil Change” or “Auto Repair” directly on the site. With this in mind, it’s important to leverage these keywords on your website, along with other specific keywords that may reflect your shop’s unique services. In turn, you’re boosting your shop’s visibility online, providing your business with more opportunities to reach new customers quickly!

How does a business’s input on custom or specialized content affect its website performance?

The personal content on your website sets expectations. Looking at it from the eyes of a potential customer, what they know is what they see, which is why personal content is key! It makes your potential customers feel more at ease with their spending decisions when they find services and unique content that align with their interests and needs.

Consumers will often research a product before they buy it. If they don’t know what you offer or what you specialize in, they will move on to the next business that does. References are a perfect example of this question. Do you wonder why restaurants often put food photos on their menus or why online shopping websites use a model to show the clothes rather than just a hanger?

Personal content is the answer. Having personal photos of your auto repair business on your website adds that personal touch from a consumer’s perspective to help them better understand and get to know your product. If they like what they see, their investment decisions are easily made.

The more you add to this website, the more you grow. For instance, every time you add a post to your Facebook account, the number of postings on your page increases. The same thing happens with your website, but instead, it’s called search engine optimization – meaning the more you post, the more your search rankings will grow!

As a business owner, you want to be recognized on the first search page. The first page is the first impression and often the only page a consumer will look at when researching new businesses.

Why is it important to know where your website traffic and potential customers are coming from?

Knowing where your customers are coming from can often be overwhelming to figure out. But when you receive direct access to these data insights, it can help you make effective and strategic decisions with your online presence.

For example, if Facebook is the major lead source in which people are clicking on your website, you may then consider how well your Facebook account looks at the moment. Are you staying active in the content you post? Even better, why not post a few promotions on your Facebook page to help persuade these potential customers to visit your business?

What I am saying is that it helps to know where your customers are coming from so that you can continue to work on your presence in those areas to attract and increase the number of new customers to your shop. Whether that be Google, SureCritic, Facebook, or your website directly. The more you know, the better.

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