Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

Best of the Blogs – 2018 ProDemand Updates

ProDemand Updates for 2018

After closing out 2017 with the big release of ProDemand’s 1Search Plus advanced search engine and interface, we by no means lost momentum in 2018. As usual, Mitchell 1 is passionate about creating value for our customers and finding new and innovative ways to help technicians and shop owners speed up efficiency.

In 2018, we took this passion and molded it into some pretty cool features and functions, both minor and major updates. Get caught up on all the new features in ProDemand and learn more about them by clicking on the blog links:

ProDemand Update: Improvements to Heading Navigation, Plate-to-VIN, Community Module (Published February 5, 2018)

ProDemand Updates – April 6, 2018

ProDemand Updates – April 25, 2018

ProDemand Update – Vehicle Trend Analysis (Published May 24, 2018)

A feature exclusive to Mitchell 1, a Vehicle Trend Analysis is now offered in the Consumer Report printout, which is trend information based off of repair orders that tells you what components are most frequently replaced within ± 7500 miles.

ProDemand Updates – September 7, 2018

ProDemand Updates – Community Trends (October 4, 2018)

Relevant community trends will be delivered as part of your search results and will display open questions, answered questions or posted fixes from SureTrack Community members that are specific to your search.

ProDemand Updates – October 18, 2018

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