
TruckSeries: What You See is What You Get

TruckSeries: What You See is What You Get

TruckSeries is built on a modular platform, allowing you to access multiple applications from a single login. It’s a completely new way of accessing your truck repair information, so we thought it would be helpful to explain what you will see when you log in and how it works.

If you subscribe to one or more of the Mitchell 1 software products for medium and heavy trucks, you will now access ALL your software from the TruckSeries website. You used to access them on separate websites. Because the TruckSeries platform allows you to activate access to the products separately or bundled together, the system will populate the main menu with ONLY the products in your subscription. So the menu that you see will be customized to contain only the products to which you have subscribed.

Once you have logged in, the main menu on the left side of the screen shows the TruckSeries modules that you have activated in your subscription:

  • If you have TruckLabor, you will see Labor Guide and Quotes modules
  • If you have MediumTruck and/or TractorTrailer, you will see the Repair module
  • If you have RepairConnect, you will see the Trouble Code Repair module
  • If you have all the Truck products, you will see all of the modules

To help you get the very most value from your product/s, we highly recommend you visit the online Get2Know Training Center for helpful resources including live webinars and support documents to help you master the software.

Read these additional TruckSeries resources:

If you’re not using the full TruckSeries suite and want to add more modules to your subscription, just give the sales team a call at 888-724-6742 or reach your local Mitchell 1 sales representative at

About the Author

Jake Schell

Jake Schell is an editorial consultant with Mitchell 1. Previously, he served as Product Manager for the Commercial Vehicle Group from 2002 to 2023. Prior to joining Mitchell 1, Jake spent 20 years as a technician. He holds a Chevrolet Master certification in the transmission category as well as ASE certifications in both cars and trucks.