Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

TruckSeries Displays More Diesel Engine Applications

TruckSeries Displays More Diesel Engine Applications

We’re pleased to announce an enhancement to the TruckSeries repair information for Class 4-8 trucks that will save technicians a whole lot of time.

The Mitchell 1 commercial vehicle editorial team goes to great lengths to make sure the engines available for a vehicle are listed in the Repair module. However, every now and then, for various reasons the engine for the truck you are working on may not show up. So our editorial team put their heads together and came up with a couple of really helpful solutions that will display for larger diesel engine applications.

Both solutions will be found in the Repair module:

  1. Select the “Table of Contents” tab
  2. Click “Quick Lookups
  3. Select “DTC Index

You will see two new features: “Engine Service and Fault Code Index” and “SAE J1939/1587 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) Index” (Figure 1 – click images to expand to full size).

Figure 1

The “Engine Service and Fault Code Index” provides a list of diesel engines with their general application dates. To the right of that information are links to the information available for that engine. See Figure 2.

Figure 2

The other solution, “SAE J1939/1587 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) Index,” lists the SA codes for the J1939 and the MID codes for the J1587 along with a description about for each code in the second column. (Figure 3.) Then, in the third column is the navigation path to finding the code information for that control unit. For example, the SA 1 is associated to the Engine 1 controller. In the Repair module, the information for this module is going to be located in “Engine Performance” and then “Testing & Diagnosis” (Figure 4).

Figure 3

Figure 4


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