Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

Tips, Tricks & Increased Efficiency Await You on Our Forum

Tips, Tricks & Increased Efficiency Await You on Our Forum –
You Want to Read This!

When was the last time you visited your Mitchell 1 Manager Forum? Did you know it has existed since 2004? If it’s been a while (or perhaps never), here’s a quick introduction: It’s active daily with interactive peer-to-peer discussions  where auto service professionals ask questions, give answers, and share ideas about all kinds of auto-related topics — and sometimes share a hobby or tell a joke. You’ll find categories for all of Mitchell 1’s products, with sub-forums covering topics like product help, software upgrades, settings, model coverage, inventory & ordering, reports & printing, marketing, technical issues, and tips & ideas.

We currently have 5,300+ members participating on the Forum and almost 50,000 posts. Please note that we prune old material and watch for unanswered posts. It’s a great community to belong to – many friendships and collaborations have been formed here that have extended well beyond the Forum.

As one of the Forum moderators (along with John Dwulet, Sr. Product Manager for Manager SE), I’ve seen a LOT of shops posting in the past few days under “SHOP-2-SHOP: What it Takes to Run Our Facilities.” Below is a good example of a shop marketing discussion — a response to a question about using “WOW cards” to bring customers in the door. “We use them on an almost monthly basis, been using them for lost customer reactivation. I will tell you and it may sound scary, but don’t do anything but the $50 off… we always have great success with them.” (Click the thumbnail below to expand the image to full size.)

We love witnessing this kind of exchange – with shop owners helping each other with software, vehicle repairs and business decisions. This happens ALL THE TIME in the Forum.

I’m thinking that a lot of shops would benefit from reading this thread about WOW cards, but many are missing this content because they’re not registered or are not logged in. I’ve noticed that a significant number of folks are “lurking” in the Forum — not registered, not logged in — and so they are totally unaware of this content and a whole lot more that they are missing.

By being registered and logged in to, they would be enjoying all of this additional content (see image below):

If you haven’t registered or you don’t log in, you cannot see these topic areas. Isn’t it time to get all the way onto the Forum? It’s quick and easy to register. Here’s how: Click the Forum button in your Manager program toolbar or go to from any PC, tablet or smartphone with Internet service. You’ll be glad you did.

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