Spring into Action to Get the Most From SocialCRM
During your customer interactions:
- Ask every customer for an email addresses and/or verify their email to ensure you have their current one
- Make accurate updates to the vehicle mileage for every customer
- Add a recommendation entry in Manager SE to cover any work that was not complete
- Let every customer know about any email communications being sent to them, and also remind them about their personalized vehicle history website (com)
- Display the customer-facing items included in your SocialCRM Welcome Kit — counter cards, etc.
- Check for any new consumer review Star Notifications in Manager™ SE. This is the perfect time to thank your customer for their most recent review right at the counter!
Manage your email:
- Check your shop’s email inbox regularly for important email notifications related to your service. Those notifications include:
- Appointment requests, confirmations & reschedule requests
- Low score review notifications
- SocialCRM reports (weekly or monthly, depending on your settings)
- Respond to emails when necessary.
Pay close attention to your consumer reviews and Google:
- Respond to all of your SureCritic reviews
- Share your positive SureCritic reviews
- Address (in a timely manner) any issues or concerns related to a low score review
- Use the ReScore process when necessary
- Claim your Google Local Page
These are just a few easy ways to get the most value out of your SocialCRM service. If you have any questions or need assistance with these items, please contact your dedicated support agent.